About Us

If your oodle sometimes resembles an overgrown bear, you’re not alone.

During lockdown, my fluffy friend looked like a sheep that got lost in the bush, only to return three years later. He looked like a massive, dirty cloud covered in knots and matts.

While I may be exaggerating just a smidge, I did need to solve the problem myself. There was no chance the groomers would be opening any time soon.

I searched to find appropriate products to help detangle and de-matt my “lost sheep”, but nothing was suitable for sensitive skin. Not only that, I couldn’t find anything created specifically for the matting and tangling problems unique to oodles.

My own hair brush screams at me, terrified, if I forget to use my keratin shampoo regularly. Out of desperation, I used my keratin shampoo on my oodle, Ogy.

I was floored with the results. Ogy was so much easier to wash and brush!

I knew I was onto a winner with keratin, but also knew that dogs need natural ingredients and the correct PH that didn’t irritate their skin.

Luckily, I have a friend who is a vet and another who is a professional groomer. We teamed up and hired an organic scientific formulator.

Approximately 2,145,789 zoom meetings and test later, we found the magic formula.

The result is a natural formulation that is gentle on skin, and an oodle that grooms like a dream.

We care ...

about the environment

  • Natural ingredients
  • Biodegradable formulations
  • Compostable box fill (straw and paper)
  • Cardboard reusable box
  • We use bottles made from recycled plastic that can be recycled again and again.

We're Aussie

which means, maintain amazing quality and keeping jobs here!

  • Formulated and mixed in Australia
  • Australian and NZ ingredients
  • Bottled and labeled in Australia
  • Only Australian packaging, printing and labeling companies used.

We LOVE dogs!

and our furbabies deserve the best!

  • No nasty chemicals
  • Aromatherapy scents to calm
  • Keratin and natural detanglers to gently remove and prevent painful knots
  • Gentle formula with the least chance to irritate even the most sentive skin

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